Supporting Your Child

Family situations vary, but the principle remains the same: those students who have informed and enthusiastic people supporting them will do better at uni and in life.

There are many ways that you can help your child to study at university.

Getting into university

Believe it or not, parents are very influential in helping their children decide upon a degree program. You can assist your child to consider their options and identify possible future careers by:

  • making sure you are well informed about the degree programs we offer
  • guiding your child towards choosing appropriate subjects to study during Years 10, 11 and 12
  • being familiar with the application process and important dates so you can give guidance if needed.

Starting university

Making the transition from school to university can be exciting and challenging, and often requires a period of adjustment for your child.  Be understanding and keep yourself informed about our induction programs and support services, so you can provide solutions and direction:

  • Orientation Week (or O'Week) is usually held the week before formal classes and can introduce your child to uni life.
  • Our Orientation site is full of information about university life and can help your child settle in.


Most parents are interested in the financial cost of studying. There are plenty of other options to cover costs - financial situation needn't be a barrier to your child's education.

We offer a range of scholarships and bursaries to help with the costs of studying at university. For more information, please visit our Scholarships website.

Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens and holders of permanent visas are eligible for Commonwealth Supported places, which provides access to the equivalent of seven years full-time study in a subsidised place at university.

The student pays the remainder of the tuition fees through the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)-either upfront or by deferring payment through a HECS-HELP loan, provides by the Government (Australian citizens and holders of Permanent Humanitarian visas are eligible).

During your child's studies, the YouX's Education and Welfare Officers  are also available to help with advice and information on dealing with Centrelink and other student finance matters.

Grants and loans, ranging from short-term emergency loans and interest free student loans, are offered by the University of Adelaide and the Adelaide University Union.

Assisting students in need, the Equal Access Scheme helps with study-related expenses for low income undergraduate students entering the University for the first time.

Many students have to work part time to help cover the costs of university. We do not recommend over 20 hours a week.

Visit the Student Finance website for more information.